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March 25, 2023

Integrated from the planning and development stage, these 7 elements are non-negotiable in fostering sustainable living and building a truly sustainable home.  If you’re wondering whether a solar panel installed on roof counts as sustainable living, you’re only partially right. Although solar panels do help in reducing the adverse impact of human life on the […]

January 26, 2023

As urban life evolves, Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) become a crucial component of sustainable development to combat the rising water crisis. India’s growing population and its subsequent migration to the urban landscape have made one particular resource very scarce – Water. As it stands, 50% of the current urban residents solely rely on groundwater reserves […]

January 8, 2023

Do you remember the last time you woke up to the melodious songs of birds? Can you recall being surrounded by hues of green and blue in every direction your eyes wandered?  Sure, a home in nature is not ancient history yet. But with the rate at which the wheel of growth is spinning, we’re […]

December 21, 2022

The idea of raising a kitchen garden or a backyard garden and growing veggies, fruits and herbs organically is gaining popularity among the gardening-loving dwellers. Growing your own food means you and your family eat fresh, organic and healthy foods. You also reduce food wastage, increase your eco-friendliness and reduce your carbon footprint. If you […]

November 29, 2022

What does it mean to be a ‘Green Panther’? A green panther is a person who strongly cares about life on earth and the environment. Who are the Green Panthers around us? When someone in our family, like our grandparents and parents, leaves food and water for birds & animals or takes care of plants […]

November 4, 2022

The entire amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere as a result of all human activity is known as a person's carbon footprint. When fossil fuels are burned, the land is cleared, and products like food, manufactured goods, materials, wood, roads, buildings, transportation, and other services are produced and consumed, greenhouse gases, such as [...]

October 18, 2022

Know how living with nature raises your and your family’s happiness quotient. We are living in a world where it is hard to reject technology that facilitates better life on one hand, and makes it more exhausting on the other. We are over-occupied indoors trying to squeeze in over-scheduled days and juggling between screens and [...]

October 11, 2022

You have heard of at least one business/brand talking about its sustainable business practices. You make a point to buy eco-friendly idols of your deities during festivals, because you care for environment. You like to look for organic alternatives of the food you eat. You have been hearing about sustainability more than ever as the [...]

September 28, 2022

The farmhouse culture in Ahmedabad is set to be redefined with the rise of Authentic Farmhouse Experience In the last few years, the idea of having a weekend home tucked away from the cacophony and humdrum of city life has surged in popularity among Amdavadis. Weekend homes / farm houses remain one of the top [...]